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  • Post published:07/08/2021
  • Post category:SEO
  • Post last modified:07/08/2021
  • Reading time:7 mins read

If you’re new to PPC or SEO, you might wonder if there’s a difference between the two. It turns out, there is a big difference between the two methods, but both have their pros and cons.

Difference between SEO and PPC:


SEO is an online marketing strategy that helps websites rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). SEO involves optimizing webpages for keywords, creating backlinks, building trust and authority, etc.


On the other hand, PPC is a paid advertising method that allows businesses to pay to get their ads shown on search engines such as Google. The goal of PPC is to increase sales and conversions, so it’s usually used for highly targeted traffic.

Pros and Cons of SEO and PPC:

Some people think that one is better than another because they are more effective at getting leads/sales. However, we will show you how each works and why they work well. We’ll also tell you which one can be good.

Pros of SEO:

In addition, SEO provides better quality leads. Since most people use search engines like Google to find products and services, having high rankings makes sense. If someone lands on your website after clicking one of your links, then he/she probably wants to buy something. So, by ranking well, you’ll likely receive more qualified leads.

SEO offers many benefits including long-term visibility, increased brand awareness, better conversion rates, and improved customer experience.

Cons of SEO:

In addition, SEO takes longer to show returns. Unlike PPC where you see immediate results, SEO requires patience. As mentioned before, you need to optimize your site properly for long-term success. And while you may start seeing positive effects right away, it could take months or years until you notice real progress.

Pros of PPC:

PPC has some advantages over SEO. For example, with PPC, your ad will be displayed even when people are not searching for what you offer. This means that your business can reach more potential customers than through organic searches. Also, since PPC costs money, you’ll always know exactly how much each click cost you. With SEO, however, this information isn’t available unless you do keyword research first.

Cons of PPC:

In addition, PPC doesn’t guarantee any return on investment because you never really know which clicks result from paying versus those who clicked organically. You also don’t know whether they converted into actual purchases. However, PPC does allow you to test different campaigns quickly without spending too much time and effort.

Which one should you use?

Both PPC and SEO are great ways to market your business. But depending on your budget, goals, target audience, competition, etc., either option would make sense.

For instance, if you want to grow fast, try using PPC. In fact, our team recommends starting with PPC because it gives you instant access to potential clients. On the other hand, if you want to build up a strong reputation, go with SEO.

So, which one should you choose? Well, it depends on your needs. Let us explain further…

Which one has better ROI?

We recommend going with whichever method brings in higher revenue per month. A lot of businesses get confused about this topic. They assume that SEO is cheaper than PPC advertising. While this is true, it’s only half the story.

The truth is that you must consider all aspects of marketing before making your decision. Here are three factors to keep in mind:

1. Cost

How much will it cost you to run an Google ads campaign? How much will it cost you every month to maintain your SEO efforts? Which method will bring in bigger revenues?

2. Timeframe

What timeframe do you plan to invest in these strategies? Do you expect them to generate profits within 6 months? Or, are you planning to spend several years building your online presence?

3. Target Audience

Are you targeting local consumers? Are you looking to attract international visitors? What kind of keywords should you focus on? These questions help determine which strategy will give you greater results.

Which one is easier to manage?

You can’t ignore the fact that managing both PPC and SEO simultaneously isn’t easy. You need to monitor each account separately, set budgets, create campaigns, track performance, analyze data, etc. This means that you won’t be able to devote as much attention towards growing your business when compared to just focusing on one particular technique.

However, we believe that hiring a professional digital agency or consultant who specializes in both techniques will offer you the best return on investment.

Our advice: Focus first on generating traffic through organic optimization. Then, once you’ve built some momentum, add paid ads into the mix.

On top of that, you need to monitor competitors’ activities so that you can stay ahead of the game. Luckily, we’ve put together some tools that streamline this process.

1. Google Keyword Tool is to know the keywords and search volume.

2. To check your competitors you have type a keyword in Google Search to know your competitors or you can go with paid tools.

As you can see, choosing between PPC and SEO doesn’t always come down to money versus time.

There are plenty of reasons why each approach works best. The key is finding the solution that fits your company perfectly.

Should I Hire An Agency or Consultant To Help Me With My Online Marketing Strategy?

There are lots of advantages to working with agencies instead of doing things yourself. First off, hiring experts saves you tons of time. Secondly, they usually provide valuable insights that can save you even more time. Finally, they handle tasks such as data entry, copywriting, social media management, etc.

Which one will get you more traffic?

Traffic plays a huge role when choosing whether to opt for SEO or PPC. After all, how can you improve conversions if no one sees your ads? The answer lies in getting as much organic traffic as possible.

To achieve this goal, we suggest focusing on keyword research. This means finding search queries related to your product or service that customers type into search engines. You can also look at industry trends, competitors’ websites, social media posts, forums, blogs, etc. to come up with some ideas.

Once you’ve done enough research, create content around those topics. Then, publish your articles across multiple platforms so they reach a wide range of audiences.

Once you’ve optimized your blog post titles, descriptions, images, tags, etc., submit it to popular search engines.

Now let’s talk about paid channels. We highly recommend creating landing pages for any ad campaigns you launch. Landing page optimization helps convert clicks into sales. Plus, it allows you to track performance metrics like average order value, number of orders, etc.

Finally, remember to always be consistent. Don’t change anything unless absolutely necessary. That way, your readers become suspicious and leave.


As mentioned earlier, both SEO and PPC have advantages and disadvantages. But overall, our recommendation would be to go with whatever works best for your business.

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