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  • Post published:02/08/2021
  • Post category:SEO
  • Post last modified:02/08/2021
  • Reading time:7 mins read

Search engine optimization has become popular among businesses who want their websites to rank higher in search results. However, if you plan to target multiple languages, Here’s what you should consider when designing a multilingual site for SEO.

Managing multilingual website

Google provides a free tool called the Webmaster Tools that allows webmasters and SEOs to manage their websites’ search engine optimization. The tools provide information about how visitors find your site, including where they are from and what language they speak. You also get access to reports on which keywords send traffic to your site, as well as suggestions on improving your ranking.

You can use this data to help improve your keyword research strategy by targeting specific terms based on location, industry, or other factors. For example, if most of your customers come from Germany but only 10% of them visit your site via mobile devices, it might be worth researching German-specific keywords like “Mobile App Design IN Germany” instead of just using generic ones such as “Mobile App Design.”

The same is true when optimizing for local search query:

If most people searching for your business are located near San Francisco, then you should consider focusing more on those areas than others. This will make sure that your page appears high up in relevant search results.

Optimizing for international audiences:

In addition to making changes to your pages themselves, there are several ways to target audience outside of your own country. One way is through localized landing pages. These allow you to create separate versions of your site with unique URLs so that each version targets a particular target language or target country.

For instance, let’s say you sell shoes online. Your main English-language site could have one URL, while another would have a French-language URL. Domain point to the exact same product listings, but the URLs look very different. Visitors who type in “shoes” into Google may see the French-language version first because it has higher rankings by creating multilingual SEO strategy.

Get your website translated:

Other option is to translate your entire site into multiple languages. While this sounds expensive, many companies offer translation services at no cost. In fact, some even do it for free! It’s important to note that translating all of your text manually isn’t always feasible.

However, automated solutions exist that can handle large amounts of text without much effort.

Choosing the keywords for multilingual sites:

Once you’ve decided to optimize for international users, you’ll need to decide which countries to focus on. There are two basic approaches here:

Targeting individual country:

Each country requires its own set of keywords. Let’s take France again as an example. To rank highly for “Shoe Store Paris,” you’d want to include both “Shoe Stores” and “Paris.” However, since these phrases aren’t related, you wouldn’t want to add either term individually. Instead, you’d combine them together as follows: “Shoe Stores Paris”.

Using broad match:

Broad matches cover a wide range of topics within a single category. They’re great for finding long tail variations of popular queries. But keep in mind that broad matches don’t necessarily mean that searchers won’t click on any links appearing under the result.

So, if you choose to go down this route, you’ll still need to ensure that your content is optimized for the broader topic.

Optimizing content for international audience:

You might also be interested in learning about how to use language detection tools to help identify where visitors come from. For example, we recently used the tool to determine whether our mobile app was being downloaded by iPhone owners or Android phone owners. We found out that iPhones were downloading the app significantly faster than Androids. So, we made adjustments to improve performance on iOS devices only.

This kind of information helps us understand what types of products work best for certain regions.

Content strategy for International audience?

There are plenty of other things you can do to increase your chances of ranking well internationally.

Here are three quick tips to get started:

Use proper grammar: When writing copy for websites, try not to overuse contractions. Also avoid abbreviations, acronyms, and slang.

Make sure your titles contain words that describe the contents of the article: Titles containing common misspellings tend to perform better than their correct spelling counterparts.

Add descriptive tags: Tags are metadata associated with webpages. The goal is to provide additional context around the webpage itself. Adding tags makes it easier for readers to find specific articles they’re looking for.

If you’re having trouble coming up with good tag suggestions, check out Tag Suggestion Tools.

Eradicate duplicate content for international website:

If you have multiple pages targeting different languages, make sure each page has unique content. This will prevent Google from indexing all versions of the same page. You should always strive to create original content for every version of your site.

The bottom line is that there isn’t one right way to approach optimizing for international audiences. It depends largely upon the type of business you run, the size of your target market, and the resources available to you.

However, regardless of your situation, I hope my guide gives you some ideas on how to start thinking more globally!

Hire native language writer to write content:

Hire native writers to write content for your website content. If you want to hire someone who speaks English version, French version, and Spanish version as his first language, then he/she would know exactly what people searching in search engines. In addition, hiring a native speaker means that you don’t have to worry about translation issues later on.

For instance, when translating an existing piece of text into another language, translators often make mistakes because they aren’t familiar with the culture and customs of the new country.

But if you hire a native writer, you can rest assured knowing that everything written will be accurate and relevant to your local audience.

I’m sure you’ve heard many times before that “content is king.” But did you ever stop to think why content matters so much?

It’s true; without quality content, no matter how great your design looks, your SEO efforts will fail.

And even though most businesses today realize the importance of creating high-quality content, few actually take action to produce it.

Use google analytics for multilingual content and SEO:

Google Analytics allows you to track visitors’ behavior across devices, browsers, locations, operating systems, etc., which helps you understand where users come from and what keywords they use to reach your site.

This information can help you improve user experience by making changes such as adding related products or services, improving navigation, providing faster loading speed, etc.

You may also see traffic spikes during certain regions and markets. These insights allow you to plan ahead and prepare accordingly.

So now that we’ve covered the basics of SEO, let’s dive deeper into the world of localization:

Localization refers to adapting your website to meet the needs of a particular region or locale. For example, if you sell shoes, you might translate your product descriptions into other languages. Or maybe you offer free shipping only within a certain radius.

These types of localized features add value to your brand and give potential buyers confidence in purchasing from you. They also boost sales since consumers feel more comfortable buying from companies whose sites speak to them directly.

As mentioned earlier, there are two main ways to go about this process: manual and automated. Let’s look at both options.


In conclusion, I hope these tips helped you learn something new about multilingual websites.

I’d like to say that Google has made it easier than ever to get started with multilingual sites.

Then just wait for Google bot to crawl your pages and index them properly.

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